There’s so much potential for your email list to radically transform your business… and lifestyle.

Plus, it’s fun showing up to serve your subscribers.

It can run like clockwork when up and running. And only requires an ongoing “light touch” to keep on bringing in sales.

But getting started is hard. Because there’s so many factors to consider.

There’s plenty of mindset things to grapple with.

And there’s the nose-to-the-grindstone work needed to build the foundations.

I’m building my own list through daily email. And helping people like you take steps with building their own list.

And… if daily email excites you… all the better!

If you’re wanting to get started, I recommend….

  • Get clear on your “why.”

    Why do you want to serve your subscribers? Why is it important to me to build my email list?

    Being clear on this will help set the foundation for a sustainable business you enjoy.

  • Build your email copywriting skills.

    You don’t need to become an A-lister. Just get to grips with some basics. And you can be doing this at the SAME TIME as growing your list.

    There’s plenty of free resources out there to help. And I’ll provide tips and resources via the daily emails I send you.

    If you’re looking for copywriting training, I suggest industry leader AWAI’s Method course.

    I’ve been through this foundational copywriting course. And it’s helped me write better, more persuasive copy.

  • Use tools that make sending email as easy as possible.

    A few extra clicks here and there soon add up in terms of lost time. Particularly if you’re sending daily email.

    It’s one reason why I choose to send my email using BerserkerMail. Because it’s about as “low friction” as you can get.

    It just stays out of my way. And helps me send email easily.

  • Keep going!

    It can be a challenge to start daily email. But it gets easier by the day.

    And the wins start stacking up.

    Such as becoming a more confident writer. And having a better understanding of the people you’re serving.

    Plus, you’ll create a treasure trove of content you can repurpose into articles, social posts, and more.

    And… you are growing an audience of fans who are keen to hear from you every day… and buy from you!

You can do it by setting up email software. Creating an opt-in page. Then sharing the link with your contacts. It’s that simple!

You are building YOUR OWN ASSET that cannot be taken away from you by overzealous social media censorship. Or by another business shutting up shop.

All the best! 😄